drewbob's garden

Notes on programming, math, music, and readings


Introduction to Simply Jekyll

Simply Jekyll is a highly functional jekyll-based theme that combines the best of different worlds. It is a minimal and distraction free theme that strives to provide maximum value all without holding back on any essential features that a user would benefit from or would desire for. This is an evolving project and is garanteed to be maintained at least for quite some time as I myself am a beneficiary of this theme and the project.

The theme provides a rich set of features that include:

  • Wiki-style markdown syntax for both internal as well as external links.
  • Support for backlinks and related posts to exhort serendipitous encounters.
  • Feed-specific context menu for instantly accessing the related posts and references.
  • Lunrjs based search with previews and shortcut to trigger search.
  • Auto stale-link management for internal links.
  • Custom syntax for sidenotes and marginnotes on either side of the feed/post.
  • Support for partial transclusion of posts.
  • On hover page preview.
  • Custom classes to style phrasing elements like quotes, callouts, etc by mentioning size, font-types, weight, box etc.
  • Preliminary support for flashcards.
  • Custom syntax to highlight your favorite part of the post (No, I am not talking about code syntax highlighting, which is already provided by Jekyll through Rouge).
  • Support for external link identifier through icons.
  • Finally, the most important of them all — No bloatware or frameworks!

Plus everything else that you can already do with jekyll like write something on a bunch of markdown files and convert it into a HTML file or sprinkle in some inline html can still be done alongside these features.

Neat stuff, isn't it? To see the above mentioned features in action go check out the next post. :P

Also see the sample post—Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam lorem elit, rutrum et nibh ac, vulputate mollis lorem. Fusce at lectus id risus scelerisque suscipit. Vestibulum nec lobortis ex. Pr...
—to get a feel for how an actual essay would look like. :)